Roll #36 – Lomography CN 100

Lomography Color Negative (CN) 100 (Medium Format)

The year is over. For me it didn’t go out all that well. It’s strange seeing a photo you took in a frame next to a cinerary urn. But life goes on and you are once more reminded, that spending time with family and friends is important. So is taking photos of them.

I’m not sure yet how this whole thing here will continue. I may continue shooting the remaining rolls. But maybe a fresh start with something else would be better? Who knows – well, I don’t.

At the moment time seems to be moving faster, than I can catch up to.

National Park Hainich, Germany – Oct/Nov 2015


Medium format (120), color negative, roll film, 12 exposures (6×6), ISO 100.

Yashica Mat 124G (Yashinon 80mm f3.5) + Lomography Color Negative 100
Film bought for ~5,35 EUR via Film Photography Project Store.
Developed @ New/Secret Lab-Project (Leipzig, Germany).
Scanned with Epson Perfection V550.